FALCON 2024 Request for Proposals

Pedagogy ABCs:
Teaching Excellence in the Twenty-First Century

September 27, 2024, Virtual

New instructors often are misguided in how to teach college students, relying on methods from their time as students. While the instructor has gained expert knowledge about the subject, that doesn’t necessarily translate to being an effective teacher. The lack of pedagogical training and knowledge is a problem many new instructors face. To succeed, though, all teaching faculty must understand pedagogical methods and stay abreast of emerging developments in pedagogy.   

Please consider submitting a session proposal that will engage and inspire your teaching colleagues. As a starting point, please consider how the following three listed topics are incorporated into higher education: 

  • Learning outcomes (i.e., the desired knowledge and skills students should be able to demonstrate as a result of completing a course, from drafting effective outcomes to aligning outcomes with assessments and learning activities) 
  • Assessments (i.e., the methods used to identify what students have learned in the course)  
  • Learning activities (i.e., the role that strategies like active learning, student engagement, and guided learning play in the learning process and how activities can be designed to support learning) 

Complete the form by August 15, 2024

Effective assessments in an asynchronous, online, large-enrollment chemistry course, Dr. Cristina Bonaccorsi and Ritushree Chatterjee

A Collection of Teaching Advice: Teaching through the Pandemic

Effective assessments in an asynchronous, online, large-enrollment chemistry course, Dr. Cristina Bonaccorsi and Ritushree Chatterjee

Cristina Bonaccorsi, Associate Teaching Professor of Chemistry and Ritushree Chatterjee, Senior Instructional Designer, Engineering-LAS Online Learning detail different assessment strategies to evaluate learning progress and communicate frequent and constructive feedback, affording students numerous opportunities to self-correct and reflect

Return to the CELT Teaching Briefs page.

Building a connected community within a course, Dr. Sayali Kukday

A Collection of Teaching Advice: Teaching through the Pandemic

Building a connected community within a course, Dr. Sayali Kukday

Sayali Kukday, Associate Teaching Professor of Biology, approaches students in her STEM-oriented online courses with empathy and works hard to instill a feeling of belonging in her learners. 


Watch the Building a connected community within a course video (2m 13s) in Studio.

Return to the CELT Teaching Briefs page.

Transitioning a flipped language course from blended to online delivery, Dr. Shenglan Zhang

A Collection of Teaching Advice: Teaching through the Pandemic

Transitioning a flipped language course from blended to online delivery, Dr. Shenglan Zhang

Shenglan Zhang, Associate Professor of Chinese, subscribes to the idea that practice is central to the acquisition of second languages. Synchronous, instructor-facilitated, and spaced-out practice paired with constructive feedback can enhance student speaking skills in times of social distancing!


Watch the Transitioning a flipped language course from blended to online delivery video (3m 37s) in Studio.

Return to the CELT Teaching Briefs page.

Serving up success: Devising a “class menu” for online teaching, Cason Murphy

A Collection of Teaching Advice: Teaching through the Pandemic

Serving up success: Devising a “class menu” for online teaching, Cason Murphy

As a faculty member in a discipline that creates an art form where self-isolation is difficult, if not impossible, Cason Murphy, Assistant Professor of Theatre, describes how embracing technology led to new and creative ways for his students to use their agency for practice and improvement of their performance skills.


Watch the Serving up success: Devising a “class menu” for online teaching video (3m 58s) in Studio.

Return to the CELT Teaching Briefs page.

Interactions Matter in an Online Course, Dr. Maggie LaWare

A Collection of Teaching Advice: Teaching through the Pandemic

Interactions Matter in an Online Course, Dr. Maggie LaWare

Maggie LaWare, Associate Professor of English, created a digital site exploration assignment, for her students to explore the interplay of rhetoric and human perception by visiting the virtual recreations of physical spaces in which famous speeches were delivered. This assignment resulted in increased engagement and students’ better understanding of the disciplinary content.

Watch the video

Watch the Interactions Matter in an Online Course video (3m 37s) in Studio below.

Return to the CELT Teaching Briefs page.

The Human-Centered Design Approach for Online Teaching, Dr. Evrim Baran and Dana Alzoubi

A Collection of Teaching Advice: Teaching through the Pandemic

The Human-Centered Design Approach for Online Teaching, Dr. Evrim Baran and Dana Alzoubi

Evrim Baran, Associate Professor of Educational Technology and Teacher Education, and graduate student Dana Alzoubi use a human-centered design approach for building a community of inquiry and empathy in their courses where students engage in complex problem-solving.


Watch the Human-Centered Design Approach video (3m 6s) in Studio.

Read the Brief

Explore resources

Baran and Alzoubi’s Online Learning Toolbox: A collection of resources created by the students taking EDUC-507: Principles and Practices of Distance Learning course offered in Summer 2020. View this resource: https://sites.google.com/iastate.edu/onlinelearningtools.

Return to the CELT Teaching Briefs page.

Piazza to the rescue: Being a present Math instructor, Dr. Timothy H. McNicholl

A Collection of Teaching Advice: Teaching through the Pandemic

Piazza to the rescue: Being a present Math instructor, Dr. Timothy H. McNicholl

Timothy McNicholl, Professor of Mathematics, provided many opportunities for his students to assume active roles in their learning with Piazza, an instructional chat platform. 

Listen to the audio

Watch the video

Watch the Piazza to the rescue: Being a present Math instructor video (1m 52s) in Studio below.

Return to the CELT Teaching Briefs page.

Zooming to St. Louis: a virtual field trip, Dr. Julie Irish

A Collection of Teaching Advice: Teaching through the Pandemic

Zooming to St. Louis: a virtual field trip, Dr. Julie Irish

With the inability to physically travel, Julie Irish, Assistant Professor of Interior Design, developed a virtual field trip in collaboration with ISU’s alumni and design experts, so her students could “see” and “experience” the site they were asked to develop.

Watch the video

Watch the Zooming to St. Louis: a virtual field trip video (1m 19s) in Studio below.

Return to the CELT Teaching Briefs page.
