Canvas Studio

Explore Studio’s video creation, editing, and accessibility features including some recent updates to the platform.


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Transitioning a flipped language course from blended to online delivery, Dr. Shenglan Zhang

A Collection of Teaching Advice: Teaching through the Pandemic

Transitioning a flipped language course from blended to online delivery, Dr. Shenglan Zhang

Shenglan Zhang, Associate Professor of Chinese, subscribes to the idea that practice is central to the acquisition of second languages. Synchronous, instructor-facilitated, and spaced-out practice paired with constructive feedback can enhance student speaking skills in times of social distancing!


Watch the Transitioning a flipped language course from blended to online delivery video (3m 37s) in Studio.

Return to the CELT Teaching Briefs page.

Canvas: Media Icon Replaced with Studio

On December 22, 2020, the Canvas Media button in the Rich Content Editor will be removed to encourage the use of Studio for media needs. This change does not affect media previously created, uploaded, and/or shared using the Canvas Media button. In addition, all previously created content is still available through the Files link in the course menu. Future media needs can be accommodated through the use of Studio, accessible via the toolbar button or the left navigation menu within Canvas.

Studio provides several benefits including the ability to:

  1. Monitor student access to the video to identify if and how much they are watching.
  2. Add a quiz to the video.
  3. Add closed captions to your video using the closed caption generator, and quickly edit them to ensure you are meeting ADA guidelines.
  4. Download the closed captions to create a transcript. The transcript and a pdf of your lecture notes is a simple way for students without access to reliable internet to continue with their studies.
  5. Store videos without using up the allotted file space for the course.
  6. Enable students to control the speed of the video according to their individual learning needs.
  7. Properly buffer a video for a smooth viewing experience on slower internet connections.

For more information and detailed instructions for creating course media, visit the Studio page on the CELT website.
