Canvas: Terms of Use FAQ

Does the company that owns Canvas, Instructure, obtain any intellectual property ownership rights of the content I upload to Canvas?

No. You retain full ownership of all of your intellectual property uploaded to the site.

There is a paragraph in the Canvas Terms of Use that tells me I am giving Instructure the right to, among other things, modify, adapt and publicly display my content. Although I retain full ownership, am I giving Instructure the right to use my content in any manner they see fit to support their business objectives?

No.  This phrase is granting Instructure the right to maintain the content you post on your course site and make your content available to Iowa State University students.

Does ISU own my course materials developed in Canvas?

ISU Policy statement about educational materials provides information about educational materials and intellectual property.

Do I have to use Canvas?

No, however, it is recommended. Consistent use of Canvas improves the overall experience for students as they have one place to access course materials and their grades.

What is the ISU Course Template?

The ISU Course Template contains all essential components for a high-quality online course.

Do I have to use the ISU Course Template?

No, but it is recommended. Consistent use of this template across campus will improve the overall experience for students and ensure that best practices for online teaching are implemented in all of our courses.

Do I have to share my course syllabus?

Yes, it is the expectation that you share your course syllabus with your department and/or college. Contact your department chair for specific information.

