Canvas: Direct Share, Bulk Edit Due Dates, Submission Attempts, File Uploads, Notifications, Rubrics

Implementation Date: July 18, 2020

n this Canvas Release, many features released during the spring became part of the main Canvas environment.

  • Assignments
  • Modules
    • File Upload Enhancements: Instructors can drag and drop multiple files to add them all at once on the Modules page.
  • Notifications
    • Course Notifications: Instructors and students can mute all notifications for a course where the user is enrolled. The Course Notification Settings page allows users to mute all notifications for a course where the user is enrolled. Additionally, users can enable or disable specific course notifications.
  • Rubrics
    • Course Navigation Rubrics Link: Instructors can now access Rubrics through the course navigation. Students will still only see rubrics associated with an assignment.