Speedgrader submission labels and Gradebook assignment search – Canvas Release (October 16, 2021) 

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The October 16, 2021 Canvas update contains information pertaining to Speedgrader labels and Gradebook assignment search. Specifically, the following are included in this Canvas update:  

  • Sticky Navigation Menus: When a long page is scrolled, the menu remains visible at the top of the screen. 
  • Submission Status Label: Late, Missing, and Excused assignment statuses can now be seen and set from inside Speedgrader.  
  • Assignment Search: The Gradebook now includes two search fields: one for student names, and one for assignment names.  
  • Course Notifications: Users can now set all of their individual User Notifications and Course Notifications from the Notifications page in the user menu. 
  • Accessibility Checker: The accessibility checker is now enabled by default and detects accessibility concerns without needing to open the Accessibility Checker. 

In case you missed it, previous Canvas releases included changes to SpeedGrader, Account Settings, and New Quizzes. Review the deploy notes for more information.
