Setting Up Reasonable Accommodations in Canvas

Setting Up Reasonable Accommodations in Canvas

Different Accommodations in Canvas

Classic Quizzes

  1. Open quizzes.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate quiz.
  3. After the quiz has been published, select Moderate This Quiz.
  4. To the right of the appropriate student, select the pencil icon.
  5. Type the number of extra attempts in the Extra Attempts field.
  6. If the quiz is locked because of availability dates, unlock the quiz by clicking the Manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt checkbox.
  7. If the quiz is locked because of availability dates, you may unlock the quiz for this student’s additional attempt by clicking the Manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt
  8. Click Save.

New Quizzes

  1. Open quizzes.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate quiz.
  3. Select Build in the bottom right corner.
  4. Open the Moderate tab.
  5. Provide an additional attempt by selecting moderate to the right of the appropriate student’s name.
  6. Select the appropriate number of extra attempts from the Additional Attempts dropdown.
  7. Click x in the upper left corner of the side box to return to the Moderate page.

Keep the following in mind:

  • The student’s ability to complete the extra quiz attempt will not extend past the scheduled Until date/time for the quiz. If the extra attempt will occur at a later date/time, the student must be assigned an alternative due date/time in the quiz details (see below).

Classic Quizzes

  1. Open quizzes.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate quiz.
  3. Select Edit to open the quiz details page.
  4. In the Assign box select +Add.
  5. Enter the appropriate student’s name.
  6. Enter the alternative due date /time in the Due field and/or adjust the Available from and Until fields.
  7. Select Save.

New Quizzes

  1. Open quizzes.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate quiz to open the quiz details page.
  3. In the Assign box select +Add.
  4. Enter the appropriate student’s name.
  5. Enter the alternative due date /time in the Due field and/or adjust the Available from and Until fields.
  6. Select Save.

Assignments and Discussions 

  1. Open assignments.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate assignment to open the assignment details page.
  3. In the Assign box select +Add.
  4. Enter the appropriate student’s name.
  5. Enter the alternative due date /time in the Due field and/or adjust the Available from and Until fields.
  6. Select Save.

Visit CELT’s Course Media Accessibility Toolkit for details on how to create or obtain captioned media.

Visit CELT’s Accessibility Toolkit for details on creating accessible Canvas resources, media, documents, and learning environments. You can also review Accessible Course Design for additional resources.

If you have set a time limit on a quiz/exam, you may grant access for extra time. Granting extra time on a quiz will apply to all attempts available to the student.

Classic Quizzes

  1. Open quizzes.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate quiz.
  3. After the quiz has been published, select Moderate This Quiz.
  4. To the right of the appropriate student, select the pencil icon.
  5. Type the number of additional minutes in the Extra Time on Every Attempt field.
  6. Click Save.

Keep the following in mind:

  • You may extend time for a student actively participating in a quiz.
  • The student’s quiz attempt will not extend past the scheduled Until date/time, the quiz will auto-submit even if the student’s extended time has not yet expired.

New Quizzes

  1. Open quizzes.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate quiz.
  3. Select Build in the bottom right corner.
  4. Open the Moderate tab.
  5. Extend time for all course quizzes/exams by selecting the pencil beside the appropriate student’s name.
    • Select the appropriate time adjustment and click save.
  6. Extend time for the specific quiz/exam by selecting Moderate to the right of the appropriate student’s name.
    • Select the appropriate Time adjustment.
    • Click x in the upper left corner of the side box to return to the Moderate page.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Adding a time extension while a student is actively participating in a quiz will not result in additional time on the current quiz attempt. Reopening the attempt will not result in additional time on the current quiz.
  • The student’s quiz attempt will not extend past the scheduled Until date/time, the quiz will auto-submit even if the student’s extended time has not yet expired.

Classic Quizzes

  1. Open quizzes.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate quiz.
  3. Select Preview to view the quiz.
  4. Use the browser’s print function to print the quiz.
    1. From a PC, use the keyboard shortcut Control + P to print.
    2. From a MAC, use the keyboard shortcut Command + P to print.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Classic Quizzes are not formatted for printing and when printed often split answer options between pages and leave little room for essay answers. You may wish to recreate the document using a word processor.

New Quizzes

  1. Open quizzes.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate quiz.
  3. Select Build in the bottom right corner.
  4. In the top right corner, next to the Return button, select the three-dot menu button
  5. Select Print Blank Quiz.

If a student is eligible for interpreting, captioning, or transcription accommodations in your course, it is your responsibility to provide access to course materials in Canvas. This aids these designees to provide accurate services. Student Accessibility Services will assist you to identify the appropriate access required for the provider.

Note: Please add interpreters, captioners, and/or transcribers as early as possible. This provides ample time for captions and/or transcriptions to be created as well as time for interpreters to prepare for content.


Consider using these Iowa State University resources for help with your course or questions about accessibility:

Create a compelling, engaging, and enjoyable online learning environment for your students.


Reduce barriers to learning and facilitate meaningful participation by all students.
