Webinar: Gradescope Bubble Sheets

Attend Online via Zoom

Gradescope Provides Compelling Alternatives for Paper-based STEM Assessments and Bubble Sheets Gradescope is an assignment submission, grading, and analytics platform that leverages AI and a logical workflow that makes grading more efficient and standardized. It is a Canvas integration that synchronizes course rosters and grades. Gradescope accepts scanned handwritten submissions for digital grading. ·     Digitally grade ...Continue reading "Webinar: Gradescope Bubble Sheets"

Gradescope User Panel: Assignments and Bubble Sheets

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Are you currently using bubble sheets in your teaching? Do you have handwritten student homework submissions and would like to streamline your grading process? Come learn from our panel of instructors * from different disciplines, why they use Gradescope and discover if it's right for you!    *Gradescope Instructor Panel Dr. Ulrike Genschel: Statistics   Dr. Robert ...Continue reading "Gradescope User Panel: Assignments and Bubble Sheets"


Canceled Webinar: Gradescope Bubble Sheets

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us for an online workshop and learn how instructors use Gradescope. The workshop will offer guidance on using Gradescope Bubble Sheets (as a scantron replacement). You will learn how to digitally create answer keys, easily edit bubbling mistakes electronically, provide students with rich targeted feedback, and return graded work electronically.
