Designing SoTL Research: Idea to Data

Almost half of all ISU faculty engage in SoTL research, you should, too!
Join the SoTL community of scholars at ISU.

The SoTL Scholars program is a community of faculty and a series of events throughout the year that guide participants through the major components of SoTL research.  We bring faculty of all rans, all disciplines, and any level of SoTL knowledge together to better understand teaching and learning through research, collaboration, and resource gathering.


Designing SoTL Research: Idea to Data

This session prepares participants to design a SoTL project from idea to data collection. We will cover varying questions, methods, assessments, and data types that you can use to engage in SoTL research.


Featured Presenter: Ann Gansemer-Topf, Professor, School of Education

Ann’s 20 years of research and practice have made direct impacts on practice and policy in higher education. Her research interests focus on examining the micro (student) and macro (institutional, state, federal) factors that impact student success, including through SoTL research. She has done research on undermatched students, military-connected students, students in STEM, and examined the influence of selectivity, expenditures, and institutional types on student success. She also has expertise in assessment working in Institutional Research and as Associate Director of Research in Admissions and contributed her expertise through book chapters, grants, and teaching. 

Future Events:

IRB and SoTL: What You Need to Know, November 28th from 2:30 – 3:50 pm
SoTL Champions Panel, February 13th from 2:30 – 3:50 pm
Going Public & Next Steps, February 27th from 2:30 – 3:50 pm
