SoTL Champions Panel

Almost half of all ISU faculty engage in SoTL research, you should, too!
Join the SoTL community of scholars at ISU.

The SoTL Scholars program is a community of faculty and a series of events throughout the year that guide participants through the major components of SoTL research.  We bring faculty of all rans, all disciplines, and any level of SoTL knowledge together to better understand teaching and learning through research, collaboration, and resource gathering.


SoTL Champions Panel

This session features a panel of prolific SoTL researchers at ISU. Learn about their entrée to SoTL and how it has benefited their teaching, disciplines, and careers. They will share lessons learned and fascinating stories!

Moderator: Paul Hengesteg, Program & Assessment Coordinator, CELT


Future Events:

Going Public & Next Steps, February 27th from 2:30 – 3:50 pm
