Grade Submission Using Canvas

2030 Morrill Hall 603 Morrill Rd, Ames, IA
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

The Canvas Gradebook is used to calculate students' grades throughout the semester. Join us virtually or in 2030 Morrill for this workshop, focusing on using the ISU AdminTools: Submit Grades tool to transfer midterm and final grades to the Registrar. Attendees will also learn strategies to ensure a transparent grading process throughout the semester. Register ...Continue reading "Grade Submission Using Canvas"

Gradescope and Finals


Join the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) for an online workshop on how to prepare for finals with Gradescope. In this workshop, you will learn how to: Set up the Canvas course for Gradescope use Grade your existing handwritten exams and all multiple choice assessments on Gradescope Make rubric changes as you ...Continue reading "Gradescope and Finals"

Canceled Webinar: Gradescope Bubble Sheets

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us for an online workshop and learn how instructors use Gradescope. The workshop will offer guidance on using Gradescope Bubble Sheets (as a scantron replacement). You will learn how to digitally create answer keys, easily edit bubbling mistakes electronically, provide students with rich targeted feedback, and return graded work electronically.
